Dangerous Proximity

United States carrier tasks groups have recently entered the Persian Gulf. We are in others backyard and poking the locals in the eye with sharp sticks. The adult and mature members of these task forces will restrain our actions at all costs. That is if they are able. But if ordered to provoke action we may be in for a major shock.

Less mature and disciplined members of our teams could accidentally cause a provocative incident that would ignite a local cataclysm. All of which could be caused by mistake and because of the proximity of lethal forces.It could easily spread elsewhere. All of this could happen with the approval of the American public if our fleet is at the bottom of the Persian Gulf due to provoking the people we have trespassed upon.

Hopefully we will be saved from a proximity incident that could lead to a devastating world involved war. An annihilating one for sure.


Words are so important to communication and getting a point across, that a starting definition of a word should precede every discussion. This is my mentors plan at all times.

Many people who would see you as conquered ,or enslaved , starts by destroying your language. They bastardize your language, so your meaning is obscured. It is difficult to make a point, or even make clear what others are saying , if a meaning is unclear.

When a consensus is not possible among like people, they are susceptible to voluntary enslavement. No bullets, no explosions and all of a sudden someone else has control of your future.

Some groups of people have been using this technique for centuries. Sometimes they are found out and are cast out of the area. But usually they are tolerated because they only relieve you of a small portion of your fortune. Their ultimate goal is total subjugation of your kind and all of your fortune. Sometimes they are foiled.

Be aware that these types of people exist, and we must constantly be on the lookout for them.

CHE ImmortAlized

Curious as to why you can go to almost any country that I have traveled to , and in the markets CHE tee shirts and pictures jump out at us. Was Che really such a magnanimous fellow that he is to be honored everywhere?

Just recently I was made aware that Jim Fitzpatrick, an Irish designer and artist was so revolted by the assassination of Che in Bolivia, that he offered Che’s image to the world. Does Che deserve it? Who knows?

It is fitting that an Irishman has spread his image world wide. Che had an Irish background. His father’s name was Lynch.

So maybe it was not Che’s exploits that caused the up welling of his fame; but the desire of another Irishman to spread his own ideas through his artistic talents. And it really stuck.


What a soothing sound the word simplicity connotes. It seems right when you hear it. I used to say that simplicity reflects Godliness, and its opposite complexity denotes the work of the devil. But I don’t any longer because the field of ideas is obscured. And the obscurity is on purpose.

The bible toters will have an explanation of anything and everything with a scriptural proof. But do we really know who wrote the Bible, or anything else for that matter. My belief in a Universal Intelligence or force still exists,but I’m not sure what that means.

Some people whose opinions I trust, say everything is much different than we believe, or have been taught. So there is a lot of room for disclosures of all types.

Much can be explained, but small groups of people hoard the precious information that should be available to us all. They create cults and religions to keep their findings obscure.

But in the meantime, it seems provident to seek simplicity, and avoid complexity as a tool to clarity.

Government Support

Just considering one of the biggest supporters that governments have is the military and naval forces. And these support systems find their support in the so called military justice system. When things get sticky, they solve their problems in a highly controlled situation.

Through courts martials the higher ups in the military keep their minions in line. With life and death power at their disposal, they keep things aligned to protect the government at all costs. This form of control is out in the open, but the real action is unseen, except by the few who know the game and its outcome already. The government never loses, because it cannot be allowed to be seen for the strong handed tyrannical force that it really is.

Anyone who steps up to the plate to foment a problem for the government should know in advance that the deck is rigged.

Has anybody ever called to give you something?

Think hard and check the meaning of “to give”. Honestly most people have never received something from someone else without strings attached. When someone calls on the phone or otherwise contacts you, it is most probably for their benefit, not yours.

Even if it looks ,at first ,that it is an irresistible offer to you. Check to make sure.

I’m not trying to paint everyone with the same brush, but in reality everyone is a thousand percent more interested in themselves than you. Sure human charity exists, but be on the lookout. Use the Roman question, cui bono? ( Who profits ?) as a test.